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Australian Electoral Commission
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Delivering an election
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Australian elections: A unique democracy
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Ways to vote
Completing my ballot paper
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Indigenous Australians
Translated information
People with disability
People with no fixed address
People living in residential aged care
Voter's guide to election communication
For parties and political participants
Registration and disclosure
Political party registration
Significant third party registration
Associated entity registration
Financial disclosure
Referendum disclosure
Access and transparency
Transparency Register
Register of political parties and decisions
Current party applications and notices
Electoral roll data access
Compliance and enforcement
Our regulatory approach
Electoral processes
Candidate information hub
Scrutineer information
Election funding
Authorising electoral communication
Electoral law backgrounders
Learn about elections
Delivering an election
Managing the electoral roll
Altering electoral divisions
Determining ballot paper order
Planning voting services
Counting the votes
Voting and the Government
The three levels of government
When elections are held
Forming federal Government
Preferential voting
AEC for schools
Community education
Accessible Education
Australian elections: A unique democracy
Information centre
Electoral divisions
Find my electoral division
Current electoral divisions
Enrolment statistics
Maps and spatial data
Electoral division redistributions
Elections and events
Past results
Federal elections
Industrial elections and ballots
2025 federal election Service Plan
Transparency and integrity
Election safeguards
Reputation Management System
Transparency Register
Electoral Backgrounders
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Annual reports
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AEC Media Releases
Media Releases 2019
2019 federal election: election funding payments finalised [12 December 2019]
2019 federal election disclosure returns published today [04 November 2019]
New Transparency Register webpage live ahead of 2019 federal election returns release [17 October 2019]
Re-use, recycling and donation of federal election materials [02 September 2019]
AEC returns writs for 2019 federal election [21 June 2019]
Victorian Senators have been decided [19 June 2019]
Queensland Senators have been decided [18 June 2019]
Western Australia Senators have been decided [18 June 2019]
South Australian Senators have been decided [18 June 2019]
New South Wales Senators have been decided [17 June 2019]
Initial funding payments made for the 2019 federal election [14 June 2019]
Australian Capital Territory Senators have been decided [13 June 2019]
2019 turnout at federal election exceeds 2016 event [13 June 2019]
Tasmanian Senators have been decided [13 June 2019]
Northern Territory Senators have been decided [06 June 2019]
Official declarations of House of Representatives seats continue [31 May 2019]
Overseas votes back in Australia for counting [23 May 2019]
1.2 million declaration votes joining local counts today [22 May 2019]
Central Senate scrutiny count starts today [21 May 2019]
AEC prioritising close seats counts today [20 May 2019]
More votes counted than ever before thanks to an enormous effort by temporary election staff [20 May 2019]
AEC issues final reminder to postal voters – act now and don’t delay! [17 May 2019]
Make sure your vote counts in the 2019 federal election [17 May 2019]
Remember to make your mark tomorrow [17 May 2019]
Increased accountability for federal election funding [13 May 2019]
AEC issues reminders to postal voters – Don’t delay! [13 May 2019]
Vote Talk launches [09 May 2019]
Supporting Australian voters living with disability [07 May 2019]
Making your vote count is vital – in any language [06 May 2019]
From New York to New Delhi, Australians overseas urged to vote early [03 May 2019]
AEC campaign launches today reminding Australians to turnout and vote formally [30 April 2019]
Early voting starts on Monday [26 April 2019]
1,514 candidates nationwide to contest 2019 election [24 April 2019]
Statement from the Australian Electoral Commission - Mr Rodney Culleton [24 April 2019]
Design, print, deliver: The AEC’s 50 million tasks this weekend [24 April 2019]
The best electoral roll in history [23 April 2019]
Just hours remaining to enrol for 2019 federal election [18 April 2019]
Deadline to nominate as a candidate in the 2019 federal election [17 April 2019]
Australians living overseas urged to enrol now for the 2019 federal election [15 April 2019]
AEC encouraging voters to “stop and consider” this federal election [15 April 2019]
Australia’s biggest peacetime logistical event off and running [12 April 2019]
Deadline approaches to enrol for the 2019 federal election [11 April 2019]
2018 Wentworth by-election disclosure returns published today [8 April 2019]
Intending candidates for the 2019 federal election [25 March 2019]
AEC reaching out to unenrolled Australians to further bolster record enrolment rate [27 February 2019]
2017-18 annual financial disclosure returns published today [01 February 2019]
2018 Braddon, Longman, Mayo, Fremantle and Perth by-election disclosure returns published today [14 January 2019]
Media release archive
2010 (federal election)
Media contact
Phone enquiry
AEC Media team
02 6271 4419
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Email your media enquiry to the AEC Media Unit at
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