Voting is important, and everyone has their reasons why they vote. Whatever your reason, the AEC can help you enrol, learn how to complete voting papers and work with your community to help them vote too.
To enrol, you should:
To enrol or change your details, you will need:
18+ or Proof of Age cards are not accepted.
Need more information? Please visit
Have you voted in a Federal Election before? You’ll get two voting forms - a small green one and a large white one.
The green form is to choose somebody to be in the House of Representatives. They represent the area you live in (your electorate).
The white form is to choose somebody to be in the Senate. They represent your state or territory.
Did you know there are paid jobs available at elections? It’s a great way to earn extra money and support your community. Learn more or register.
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Page header artwork by Marcus Lee Design.
Page header artwork by Marcus Lee Design.