I need a paper or PDF enrolment form

Updated: 27 February 2025

Did you know. To enrol to vote or to update your enrolment details you can use our online form.

Download a PDF enrolment form

Download a PDF version of the enrolment form for your state or territory.

You can complete this form on screen. Once complete, remember to print, sign and return your form to the AEC.

Where can I get a paper enrolment form?

You can pick up a paper enrolment form at:

Completing the enrolment form

Remember to sign your form before returning it to the AEC.

When updating your enrolment details you might also need to update your personal details with your state and territory road traffic authority.

The AEC will confirm your enrolment once your form has been processed.

Remember to update your enrolment when your details change. If you don't, you could be removed from the electoral roll and be unable to vote.

All Australian citizens aged 18 years and over are required by law to enrol and vote.

You can enrol if you are 16 or over but you can't vote until you turn 18.