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AEC Media Releases
Media Releases 2014
9 December 2014
Enrolment quota determined for the redistribution of federal electoral boundaries in Western Australia [9 December 2014]
Enrolment quota determined for the redistribution of federal electoral boundaries in New South Wales [9 December 2014]
Enrolment quota determined for the redistribution of federal electoral boundaries in the ACT [9 December 2014]
Commencement of the redistribution of federal electoral boundaries in Western Australia [1 December 2014]
Commencement of the redistribution of federal electoral boundaries in NSW [1 December 2014]
Commencement of the redistribution of federal electoral boundaries in the ACT [1 December 2014]
Determination of membership entitlement to the House of Representatives [13 November 2014]
Statement from the Australian Electoral Commission: Division of Indi [2 October 2014]
AEC releases disclosure returns for 2014 WA Senate election [22 September 2014]
AEC releases disclosure returns for 2014 Griffith by-election [28 July 2014]
2014 Griffith by-election financial disclosure returns to be released on Monday [16 July 2014]
Indigenous youth parliamentarians return home from the National Indigenous Youth Parliament 2014 [4 June 2014]
Sitting of the National Indigenous Youth Parliament at Old Parliament House [30 May 2014]
Indigenous Youth Parliamentarians on their way to Canberra [27 May 2014]
2014 WA Senate election payment to political parties [20 May 2014]
2014 WA Senate election payment to political parties [7 May 2014]
Writ returned for 2014 WA Senate election [1 May 2014]
Senators for Western Australia have been decided [29 April 2014]
Distribution of preferences to decide WA Senators Tuesday [28 April 2014]
Don't forget to vote tomorrow [4 April 2014]
Western Australian voters to elect six Senators [3 April 2014]
AEC statement: Mobile polling in Western Australian Senate election at RAAFA Merriwa Estate [3 April 2014]
Reminder to WA postal voters – don’t forget to return your postal vote [2 April 2014]
Reminder to WA postal voters – don’t forget to return your postal vote [2 April 2014]
Reminder for Western Australians away interstate to vote in WA Senate election [31 March 2014]
Early voting centres open in Western Australia tomorrow [28 March 2014]
Voters who are blind or have low vision can cast a telephone vote in the 2014 WA Senate election [27 March 2014]
2014 WA Senate election: Expanded early voting services from today [24 March 2014]
Western Australians overseas urged to vote early [19 March 2014]
The AEC's official guide to the WA Senate election delivered to over one million households [18 March 2014]
Early voting begins tomorrow in the 2014 WA Senate election [17 March 2014]
77 candidates will contest the 2014 WA Senate election [14 March 2014]
Over 1.4 million people enrolled for the 2014 WA Senate election [13 March 2014]
2014 Griffith by-election payment to political parties [13 March 2014]
Time is running out to nominate as a candidate for the 2014 WA Senate election [11 March 2014]
Information session for potential Senate candidates [5 March 2014]
Time running out to enrol for 2014 WA Senate election [5 March 2014]
AEC Statement: Compensatory payment of 2013 WA Senate candidate nomination deposit [4 March 2014]
Indigenous Western Australians urged to enrol for Senate election [1 March 2014]
2014 WA Senate election – Special AEC opening hours this weekend [28 February 2014]
2014 WA Senate election to be held on Saturday 5 April [28 February 2014]
Indigenous Youth Governor-General encourages Indigenous Australians to apply now for the National Indigenous Youth Parliament 2014 [26 February 2014]
AEC releases disclosure returns for 2013 federal election [24 February 2014]
Court of Disputed Returns voids 2013 WA Senate election result [20 February 2014]
Statement from the Australian Electoral Commission: Court of Disputed Returns decision [18 February 2014]
Declaration of the poll for the 2014 Griffith by-election [17 February 2014]
Don't forget to vote in the Griffith by-election tomorrow [7 February 2014]
2012–13 annual financial disclosure returns released today [29 January 2014]
2012–13 annual financial disclosure returns to be released on Monday [3 February 2014]
Call for Indigenous youth to apply for the 2014 National Indigenous Youth Parliament [29 January 2014]
Join thousands of our newest citizens this Australia Day and enrol to vote [24 January 2014]
Griffith voters who are blind or have low vision can cast a telephone vote now [23 January 2014]
Early voting begins tomorrow in the 2014 Griffith by-election [20 January 2014]
11 candidates to contest the 2014 Griffith by-election [17 January 2014]
Over 97 000 people enrolled to vote in the 2014 Griffith by-election [15 January 2014]
Monday is the deadline to enrol for the Griffith by-election [10 January 2014]
Enrol now to vote for the 2014 Griffith by-election [6 January 2014]
Media release archive
2010 (federal election)
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