The 'Your vote will help shape Australia' campaign is a national public information and advertising campaign to support people to enrol and vote this federal election.
It plays an important part in maintaining impartial and independent enrolment and electoral services. Timely, clear and targeted communication is important to help voters understand and fulfil their right and obligation to vote.
There are three key phases:
Advertising will be placed across a number of channels including television, radio, cinema, print, digital and social media.
Throughout all phases of the campaign, the AEC runs ‘stop and consider’ messaging. This encourages audiences stop, check and consider what they see, hear or read about the voting process.
I certify that the 2025 federal election participation campaign complies with the AEC Communication Campaign Certification Process: Guidelines and Mandatory Checklist, and with the five principles outlined in the Guidelines on Information and Advertising Campaigns by non-corporate Commonwealth Entities (the Guidelines).
This certification takes into consideration advice and evidence provided by officers within the AEC with responsibility for the design, development, and implementation of the campaign. AEC Legal Services Branch and Strategic Sourcing have provided oversight and assurance of compliance with relevant laws and Commonwealth Procurement Rules.
Jeff Pope, (Acting) Electoral Commissioner
Australian Electoral Commission
Friday 28 March 2025
Electoral Commissioner Certification