Annual transactions by state and type - 2022-23

Updated: 24 July 2023

These statistics are published on an annual basis, and include all transactions with Federal entitlement including for 16 and 17 year olds.

Statistics in the tables below can also be downloaded PDF 24KB | CSV 2KB

Summary of transactions with Federal entitlement
State/ Territory Additions Changes Deletions All transactions
NSW 196,981 841,021 101,164 1,139,166
VIC 144,676 648,034 68,373 861,083
QLD 131,437 545,488 59,013 735,938
WA 58,622 217,242 28,956 304,820
SA 32,777 135,885 31,594 200,256
TAS 10,156 47,645 8,520 66,321
ACT 8,535 37,733 4,392 50,660
NT 11,828 21,228 2,575 35,631
Total 595,012 2,494,276 304,587 3,393,875


State/ Territory New enrolment Re-enrolment Reinstatement Total additions
NSW 170,267 25,973 741 196,981
VIC 125,208 19,161 307 144,676
QLD 109,926 21,241 270 131,437
WA 49,042 9,474 106 58,622

28,019 4,410 348 32,777
TAS 8,293 1,839 24 10,156
ACT 7,575 942 18 8,535
NT 10,181 1,606 41 11,828
Total 508,511 84,646 1,855 595,012

New enrolment – addition of an individual who has not been on the roll before
Re-enrolment – addition of an individual previously removed from the roll
Re-instatement – addition of an individual previously deleted while still entitled to be enrolled

State/ Territory Move from interstate Move between divisions Change within division No change Total changes
NSW 48,734 335,190 327,629 129,468 841,021
VIC 37,480 250,804 230,808 128,942 648,034
QLD 62,553 232,142 212,061 38,732 545,488
WA 18,013 93,019 85,899 20,311 217,242
SA 12,520 48,487 54,413 20,465 135,885
TAS 6,825 9,377 24,573 6,870 47,645
ACT 9,915 9,006 15,267 3,545 37,733
NT 6,448 3,053 9,990 1,737 21,228
Total 202,488 981,078 960,640 350,070 2,494,276

Move from interstate –enrolment or amendment that moves an elector from one state to another
Move between divisions –enrolment or amendment that moves an elector to another division in the same state
Change within division –enrolment or amendment that changes an elector’s details or address within the same division
No change –enrolment or amendment that does not change an elector’s details or address

State/ Territory Objection Death Duplicate Cancellation Total deletions
NSW 48,348 48,512 1,909 2,395 101,164
VIC 30,341 35,161 1,602 1,269 68,373
QLD 29,076 28,357 607 973 59,013
WA 14,226 13,710 485 535 28,956
SA 18,949 12,055 316 274 31,594
TAS 4,155 4,214 84 67 8,520
ACT 2,087 2,060 49 196 4,392
NT 1,408 983 121 63 2,575
Total 148,590 145,052 5,173 5,772 304,587

Objection – removal of an individual from the roll pursuant to Part IX of the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918
Death – removal of an individual from the roll who has died
Duplicate – deletion of an enrolment where an individual is enrolled more than once
Cancellation – removal of an individual from the roll in circumstances where the enrolment is no longer valid