Annual transactions by state and type - 2019-20

Updated: 23 July 2020

These statistics are published on an annual basis, and include all transactions with Federal entitlement including for 16 and 17 year olds.

Statistics in the tables below can also be downloaded PDF 19KB | CSV 2KB

Summary of transactions with Federal entitlement
State/ Territory Additions Changes Deletions All transactions
NSW 113,857 629,461 88,246 831,564
VIC 107,909 489,570 65,518 662,997
QLD 94,787 530,418 52,760 677,965
WA 51,421 179,649 24,012 255,082
SA 27,262 127,628 18,476 173,366
TAS 6,683 38,002 6,148 50,833
ACT 8,516 38,392 4,286 51,194
NT 4,155 19,596 2,011 25,762
Total 414,590 2,052,716 261,457 2,728,763


State/ Territory New enrolment Re-enrolment Reinstatement Total additions
NSW 101,661 11,987 209 113,857
VIC 97,427 10,316 166 107,909
QLD 79,910 14,704 173 94,787
WA 43,704 7,659 58 51,421


4,085 25 27,262
TAS 5,465 1,197 21 6,683
ACT 7,468 1,032 16 8,516
NT 3,500 652 3 4,155
Total 362,287 51,632 671 414,590

New enrolment – addition of an individual who has not been on the roll before
Re-enrolment – addition of an individual previously removed from the roll
Re-instatement – addition of an individual previously deleted while still entitled to be enrolled

State/ Territory Move from interstate Move between divisions Change within division No change Total changes
NSW 39,345 261,450 284,840 43,826 629,461
VIC 32,902 199,597 200,415 56,656 489,570
QLD 52,535 208,902 220,789 48,192 530,418
WA 13,539 71,136 79,216 15,758 179,649
SA 11,155 50,931 57,819 7,723 127,628
TAS 6,572 8,405 20,801 2,224 38,002
ACT 10,377 8,703 16,736 2,576 38,392
NT 5,980 2,146 9,715 1,755 19,596
Total 172,405 811,270 890,331 178,710 2,052,716

Move from interstate –enrolment or amendment that moves an elector from one state to another
Move between divisions –enrolment or amendment that moves an elector to another division in the same state
Change within division –enrolment or amendment that changes an elector’s details or address within the same division
No change –enrolment or amendment that does not change an elector’s details or address

State/ Territory Objection Death Duplicate Cancellation Total deletions
NSW 41,874 42,192 3,400 780 88,246
VIC 27,410 35,068 2,198 842 65,518
QLD 24,835 26,095 1,472 358 52,760
WA 11,943 11,402 392 275 24,012
SA 6,692 10,921 694 169 18,476
TAS 2,246 3,794 99 9 6,148
ACT 2,134 1,938 211 3 4,286
NT 825 825 331 30 2,011
Total 117,959 132,235 8,797 2,466 261,457

Objection – removal of an individual from the roll pursuant to Part IX of the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918
Death – removal of an individual from the roll who has died
Duplicate – deletion of an enrolment where an individual is enrolled more than once
Cancellation – removal of an individual from the roll in circumstances where the enrolment is no longer valid