Annual transactions by state and type - 2017-18

Updated: 18 July 2019

These statistics are published on an annual basis, and include all transactions with Federal entitlement including for 16 and 17 year olds.

Summary of transactions with Federal entitlement
State/ Territory Additions Changes Deletions All transactions
NSW 109,576 933,249 64,736 1,107,561
Vic 104,141 737,731 50,174 892,046
Qld 99,301 706,417 38,485 844,203
WA 45,700 239,799 23,815 309,314
SA 30,808 193,721 15,837 240,366
Tas 9,781 64,035 5,677 79,493
ACT 6,419 58,477 2,694 67,590
NT 5,182 29,475 1,908 36,565
Total 410,908 2,962,904 203,326 3,577,138


State/ Territory New enrolment Re-enrolment Reinstatement Total additions
NSW 88,089 21,289 198 109,576
Vic 85,062 18,936 143 104,141
Qld 75,962 23,128 211 99,301
WA 36,492 8,819 389 45,700
SA 25,881 4,860 67 30,808
Tas 7,617 2,148 16 9,781
ACT 5,295 1,109 15 6,419
NT 4,000 1,084 98 5,182
Total 328,398 81,373 1,137 410,908

New enrolment – addition of an individual who has not been on the roll before
Re-enrolment – addition of an individual previously removed from the roll
Re-instatement – addition of an individual previously deleted while still entitled to be enrolled

State/ Territory Move from interstate Move between divisions Change within division No change Total changes
NSW 56,207 319,346 367,760 189,936 933,249
Vic 51,760 260,782 255,710 169,479 737,731
Qld 66,430 254,768 290,040 95,179 706,417
WA 14,610 89,307 100,537 35,345 239,799
SA 14,564 60,904 75,759 42,494 193,721
Tas 9,658 12,103 31,508 10,766 64,035
ACT 14,485 6,575 27,036 10,381 58,477
NT 8,372 3,124 13,145 4,834 29,475
Total 236,086 1,006,909 1,161,495 558,414 2,962,904

Move from interstate –enrolment or amendment that moves an elector from one state to another
Move between divisions –enrolment or amendment that moves an elector to another division in the same state
Change within division –enrolment or amendment that changes an elector’s details or address within the same division
No change –enrolment or amendment that does not change an elector’s details or address

State/ Territory Objection Death Duplicate Cancellation Total deletions
NSW 18,265 43,595 2,464 412 64,736
Vic 15,130 33,222 1,458 364 50,174
Qld 12,946 24,025 1,046 468 38,485
WA 11,878 11,396 412 129 23,815
SA 3,608 11,722 491 16 15,837
Tas 1,506 4,057 98 16 5,677
ACT 796 1,808 89 1 2,694
NT 886 837 167 18 1,908
Total 65,015 130,662 6,225 1,424 203,326

Objection – removal of an individual from the roll pursuant to Part IX of the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918
Death – removal of an individual from the roll who has died
Duplicate – deletion of an enrolment where an individual is enrolled more than once
Cancellation – removal of an individual from the roll in circumstances where the enrolment is no longer valid