Annual transactions by state and type - 2016-17

Updated: 18 July 2019

These statistics are published on an annual basis, and include all transactions with Federal entitlement including for 16 and 17 year olds.

Summary of transactions with Federal entitlement
State/ Territory Additions Changes Deletions All transactions
NSW 111,566 855,156 101,380 1,068,102
Vic 103,517 644,056 70,768 818,341
Qld 87,541 526,430 63,010 676,981
WA 52,888 397,160 33,525 483,573
SA 25,219 134,788 24,366 184,373
Tas 7,003 44,734 6,856 58,593
ACT 6,647 38,994 5,109 50,750
NT 6,991 24,768 2,754 34,513
Total 401,372 2,666,086 307,768 3,375,226


State/ Territory New enrolment Re-enrolment Reinstatement Total additions
NSW 86,014 24,986 566 111,566
Vic 81,087 21,205 1,225 103,517
Qld 64,863 21,771 907 87,541
WA 40,512 12,057 319 52,888
SA 20,086 4,093 1,040 25,219
Tas 4,730 2,111 162 7,003
ACT 5,115 1,489 43 6,647
NT 4,795 2,078 118 6,991
Total 307,202 89,790 4,380 401,372

New enrolment – addition of an individual who has not been on the roll before
Re-enrolment – addition of an individual previously removed from the roll
Re-instatement – addition of an individual previously deleted while still entitled to be enrolled

State/ Territory Move from interstate Move between divisions Change within division No change Total changes
NSW 47,608 304,125 328,588 174,835 855,156
Vic 37,337 240,991 220,148 145,580 644,056
Qld 51,962 210,298 227,709 36,461 526,430
WA 12,964 95,949 96,767 191,480 397,160
SA 10,528 53,967 57,070 13,223 134,788
Tas 6,543 10,509 24,251 3,431 44,734
ACT 10,139 5,130 19,831 3,894 38,994
NT 7,759 2,370 11,506 3,133 24,768
Total 184,840 923,339 985,870 572,037 2,666,086

Move from interstate –enrolment or amendment that moves an elector from one state to another
Move between divisions –enrolment or amendment that moves an elector to another division in the same state
Change within division –enrolment or amendment that changes an elector’s details or address within the same division
No change –enrolment or amendment that does not change an elector’s details or address

State/ Territory Objection Death Duplicate Cancellation Total deletions
NSW 53,596 44,683 2,722 379 101,380
Vic 36,664 30,677 2,606 821 70,768
Qld 37,813 23,288 1,287 622 63,010
WA 20,513 11,293 1,399 320 33,525
SA 12,391 11,040 846 89 24,366
Tas 2,703 3,973 164 16 6,856
ACT 2,945 1,870 294 0 5,109
NT 1,287 935 520 12 2,754
Total 167,912 127,759 9,838 2,259 307,768

Objection – removal of an individual from the roll pursuant to Part IX of the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918
Death – removal of an individual from the roll who has died
Duplicate – deletion of an enrolment where an individual is enrolled more than once
Cancellation – removal of an individual from the roll in circumstances where the enrolment is no longer valid