New South Wales redistribution

0. Deferral Closed

The three-person Electoral Commission directed the redistribution of New South Wales’s 47 federal electoral divisions will not commence until after the Electoral Commissioner has made his determination of the number of members of the House of Representatives each state and territory will be entitled to at the next general election.  The Electoral Commissioner’s determination is due to be made on or after 27 July 2023.

The three-person Electoral Commission directed the deferral of the redistribution as they are of the opinion that the Electoral Commissioner’s determination may change the number of members of the House of Representatives to be elected in New South Wales at the next election.

The next redistribution of federal electoral divisions in New South Wales is therefore anticipated to begin in August/September 2023 instead of February/March 2023.

Basis for the three-person Electoral Commission’s direction

Sub-section 59(5) of the Electoral Act specifies three requirements which must be met.


Relevant information

Has the requirement been met?

a direction to commence a redistribution, required because of the elapse of seven years since the most recent redistribution was determined, within 13 months after the first meeting day of the House of Representatives

Most recent NSW redistribution determined: 25 February 2016
Seven years after the day last determined:26 February 2023

First meeting day of the House of Representatives in the 47th Parliament: 26 July 2022
13 months following the first meeting day: 27 July 2022 to 26 August 2023


a determination of the number of members of the House of Representatives has not been made after the day of the first meeting

First meeting day of the House of Representatives in the 47th Parliament: 26 July 2022

As at 20 February 2023: Determination of number of members has not been made


the three-person Electoral Commission is of the opinion the next determination of the number of members of the House of Representatives will or may result in a change in the number of members

Next determination of the number of members of the House of Representatives: Due to be made between 27 July and 26 August 2023, using population data, to be supplied by the Australian Statistician, which is scheduled to be published on 15 June 2023

The three-person Electoral Commission is of the opinion this determination may result in a change in the number of members of the House of Representatives to be elected in New South Wales at the next general election


When satisfied the three requirements had been met, the three-person Electoral Commission made a direction in a notice published in the Gazette (Gazette – Direction to defer redistribution of New South Wales into electoral divisions (C2023G00278)).

Possible outcomes following the determination of the number of members

The possible outcomes from the Electoral Commissioner’s determination of the number of members of the House of Representatives in late July/August 2023 are:

  • no change and New South Wales continues to be entitled to 47 members of the House of Representatives – a redistribution of New South Wales’s 47 federal electoral divisions would commence shortly afterwards; or
  • New South Wales is entitled to a different number of members of the House of Representatives – a redistribution of New South Wales into the new number of federal electoral divisions would commence shortly afterwards.

The views expressed in the material reproduced above are those of the individuals or organisations who lodged the comment on suggestions, not the New South Wales Redistribution Committee or the AEC.

Updated: 1 March 2023


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