Queensland redistribution

Current enrolment quota

In accordance with section 65 of the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918, the Electoral Commissioner has determined the current enrolment quota for the purposes of the redistribution of Queensland to be 103,203.

The determination of the current enrolment quota for the redistribution of Queensland was based on enrolment numbers as at Friday 6 January 2017, which is the date the redistribution commenced.

The quota was calculated by dividing the number of electors on the electoral roll in Queensland on the day the redistribution commences by the number of members to which Queensland is entitled.

Number of electors enrolled in Queensland as at the end of the day on which the redistribution commenced (Friday 6 January 2017) 3,096,104
Number of Members of the House of Representatives to which Queensland is entitled 30
Current enrolment quota for Queensland 103,203
Permissible maximum number of electors in an electoral division (Current enrolment quota + 10%) 113,523
Permissible minimum number of electors in an electoral division (Current enrolment quota - 10%) 92,883
The following table shows the number of electors in each electoral division as at Friday 6 January 2017
Electoral division Number of electors
Blair 99,942
Bonner 100,770
Bowman 104,241
Brisbane 108,157
Capricornia 98,847
Dawson 103,910
Dickson 100,974
Fadden 107,071
Fairfax 109,152
Fisher 99,528
Flynn 100,236
Forde 100,120
Griffith 106,999
Groom 102,009
Herbert 105,077
Hinkler 101,482
Kennedy 100,404
Leichhardt 109,913
Lilley 107,162
Longman 106,098
Maranoa 103,151
McPherson 104,405
Moncrieff 103,327
Moreton 97,318
Oxley 96,148
Petrie 106,757
Rankin 102,349
Ryan 104,543
Wide Bay 103,780
Wright 102,234
Updated: 19 April 2017


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